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Finesse Digital Technology is a consortioum of highly talented and highly skilled, like minded people who have a passion for building and creating innovative, ingenious, yet simple to use, solutions for everyday life.

We have extensive experience in diverse business environments, diverse and business needs. We utilize the latest technologies and development tools. We have developed applications for:

* database-driven web systems
* internet reporting systems
* remote web administration
* billing systems
* lab analysis and reporting
* financial management
* business accounting
* inventory control
* client statements
* manufacturing
* marketing analytics
* insurance applications
* business availability
* business continuity
* contact management
* analysis and reporting

and other specialized purposes.

We will work with clients to help them decide whether to build or purchase computer based systems, decide which particular software and equipment will be the best solution for their needs, and can even help them evaluate and select hardware, software, systems, vendors, even recommend other consultants.

We can also handle the purchasing, assembly, installation and configuring of computer equipment and systems, and can provide hands-on instruction in the use of these systems.


Finesse Digital Technology is headquartered in southern Wisconsin and has IT solutions teams in Madison, Wisconsin, in the Los Angeles, California area, and in the Houton TX area. Our employees can be available for an assignment within these areas.